6×15 Stainless Steel Gas Springs

6x15 Lift Supports
6/15 Series Extended Length [A] Stroke [S] Compressed Length [C] Shoulder Length [A-36mm]
STOCK No. mm Inches mm  Inches mm  Inches mm Inches
GSSK15170 170 6.7 50 2 120 4.7 134 5.3
GSSK15178 178 7 48 1.9 130 5.1 142 5.6
GSSK15190 190 7.5 60 2.4 130 5.1 154 6.1
GSSK15195 195 7.7 60 2.4 135 5.3 159 6.3
GSSK15234 234 9.2 82 3.2 152 6 198 7.8
GSSK15255 255 10 90 3.5 165 6.5 219 8.6
GSSK15260 260 10.2 94 3.7 166 6.53 224 8.8
GSSK15275 275 10.8 100 3.9 175 6.9 239 9.4
GSSK15295 295 11.6 115 4.5 180 7.1 259 10.2
GSSK15305 305 12 110 4.3 195 7.7 269 10.6
GSSK15315 315 12.4 122 4.8 193 7.6 279 11
GSSK15375 375 14.8 150 5.9 225 8.9 339 13.3
GSSK15381 381 15 152 6 229 9 345 13.6
GSSK15390 390 15.4 160 6.3 230 9.1 354 13.9
GSSK15435 435 17.1 180 7.1 255 10 399 15.7
GSSK15455 455 17.9 192 7.6 263 10.4 419 16.5
GSSK15465 465 18.3 200 7.9 265 10.4 429 16.9
GSSK15510 510 20.1 220 8.7 290 11.4 474 18.7

Force Range | 50 – 400N (10 – 90 lb)

Extended length is the centre-centre length measured with standard 18mm end fittings. Using other end fittings may alter the overall length. We can manufacture any size gas spring in 6×15 up to a maximum stroke of 220mm.